We always talking about many people dying /get diseases caused by lacking of foods & medical treatments to get survives,like in Africa,& some places in India as we know,right? (Keep donating & make charity events) but !!Do we miss out some incidents that happen surrounding us.(Politic issues…?,Crimes…?/Any site effects having constructed with nuclears’ technologies?) Um…those issues had being “touched” by many reporters….So,I’d like to “touch“ for those incapable/abnormal peoples' issues. (blind people).
Just a simple Q ,”Do U realize about they appearances ?”
(Yes…?No? /No idea?)
Most of us (in shopping centres,spas,travels…etc) having plenty of troubles taking cares of ourselves.Since…,we got eyes…,ears…,nose… & mouth,both hands & legs that helping us…(even the holes in our ears & nose…&...).Luckily we own our spirits, brains & bloods (like fuels) functioning our body languages,& make them operate as good as what we wanna be (even able for Moon Walk dancing).What about them?(Who?) Have we seen them,hanging around shopping centres for such a long period?Some of us even can’t reach them,b’cos they need strength & more energy to avoid the possibilities of being robbed/hear crowd noises in public & so fort...There may just hanging around some places where they can concentrate on their studies/works/rest somehow (libraries,pantry).
That’s why the Government (supporter)/Non-gov.associations are trying to get the facilities on behalf of those people,helping them hanging around somewhere (just like us) without any concern.Maybe caused by different policies/dept. in-charging for the facilities,facilitates constructed seemed not helping,while let them having much more problems than what they hoped.(eg.“Yellow dotted-lines/diameters square roadsigns’ facilities” (I don’t know what they called it.[Named Yellow Trip])constructed “them”among the outsider phonecalls/wires which supports the lighting poles…/no way roads.)Signs that makes them recognize the places where they have gone through,somehow certain people use/having used their facilities for their own good (businesses,parked their motorcycles ,seemed U “Own” that place over there…).& Most of them not realize/ don’t care about it.Please… don’t steel their facilities,& have such kind of minded.They are same like us 2 (too).
Someday,somehow U yrself/person that U recognize having such kinds of incapabilities,what’ll be rolling in yr mind? (Why are they so irresponsible for their such silly behaviours!)If they can,I guest they wanted to be as “King of Fighter”,fight for their rights & priorities.However...don’t try using yr “Blind I pees” to sympathize these people,or else they’ll let U having their lovely “cyclone eye shocks”,“Hulk” U like a ball…”Spidering U”,& send U to the Mars with “Doraemon express” (cheap & safe).Or showing their “So lamb Kungfu with Upgrading Version 2.0” for second battle.(Where is the 1st battle...?)
(U'll find it)
(Don’t let them down,they need a lots of job kinds & opportunities)
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