Do U remember what meals that U had yesterday?Does it tasted good?I’m sure U still remember,right?How many presents that U have got from Christmas Day/festivals?I hope U’ll know how sweet are they preparing those gifts for U/give U some “surprise”.What ‘ll happen for those things that U had/have afterwards (What do U mean?) I meant the rubbish,bones,veges,hamper’s plastic bags,papers…etc?(Now U remember…!!)Just thrown into dustbin/rubbish bag,get packing,done !!! (Why don’t U try getting used utilized of those things/arrangement of seperations/reconsider b4 U having/throw something?Haven’t U heard the words of:Being getting avoidances is better than getting cure for treatments later on??) We can use these kind of word,& make used of it for our environments too…!
Do U think that those rubbish ‘ll be disappeared, just like that?(Not as simple as that) Do U realize that those plastic resources,papers/may needs hundreds yrs (as I ‘ve seen in newspaper) to get dissolve. (Think about it) Hundreds yrs at least (Guys & girls,yr parents,childrens,even great-grand parents & relatives may no longer in this world,then) .Those bones,veges…?Have U seen those “meals” are packing,bags & bags,all put it into larger rubbish tanks for sewage companies to get collected?That is just part of sewages that I have mentioned.What about for those chemicals,hospitals’ equipments,constructions,those rubbish that some people that are so selfish (for their own good,unresponsibilities) just throw it into other places (on the roads,in the rivers,forests,grounds…,even nearby yr housing areas) & so fort…Some of those rubbish are hard to getting dissolve.So,where are “they”?They may just being packed/stay at the same place,without concern.Day by day…they all are disappeared (Really) ,under the land that we are standing right here,there,even over there ! & smells sting.Some day,chindren are playing on the field,while playing,something comes out from the ground,bones!!,plastic bags!!worms…,they may play arounds with those rubbish too.Getting pain later on,parents bring them to hospital,clinic to get medical treatments.(Is that what U want to be?)
We are having so much of tourism for long–term period,countries & companies are making profits,b’cos tourists spend they money & time just for fun,happy…& less complaints,later on they just packed their bags & goback to their own countries.What about those “things” that they ‘d been thrown into places that they had being travelled? (Some of them thrown,into forests,on the beaches,sticks the chewing gums at walls,tables,chairs…) Somehow people make problems too (us & the tourists) Countries are being well-known,but those problems still surrounding us.People have being educated at child age,but how come the don’t get realize about responsibilities of being a person? Oh…b’cos they have moneys,they can do whatever they want,without concerning about the consequences of their actions…Sewages/Rubbish issues can be 1 of the fact of accidents happen. (If someone throws something on the road,but not in the dustbin/rubbish bags,even we have public dustbins around the road,& we don’t use it.Once vehicles cross over/driving through,it may sticks into their tyres & caused accidents happen,some people are death,which those kinds of incidents can be avoided. (Then someone’ll blame that it is his fault,”No !!Not me…,& conflicts happen”) How “Cool” is that?
As simple as that,no pain,no site effects & U may gains on it,Flora & Fauna may not wiped out,just based on yr simple action, ”Reconsider,reused,recycle,reseperation arrangement” .As I know,those average of rubbish weights that “we” have thrown daily (1 Day Only) is about 2,000 tonnes (Not 2 KGs)just for a state.Consider about it,we have so many countries,states,avenues,even different nationalities,races,religions…Billions & billions of people around the world. (Everybody throwing just “ 1”,a canned/a piece of tissue on it,billions & billions of rubbish packages’ll be “borned” by “Us”.About 5.5 millions of trees that had being cut within this 1/2 yrs,just to produce tissue papers,papers,airplanes' tickets,pencils & so fort... U may replace using handcraft instead of using tissue papers,This kind of way has being used for long time ago b4 the tissue papers is used wisely.B4 that I’m just like U,not really cares about the environments,climates…Since I realized that during these few yrs,earth-quakes,tsunami,floods happened,lands being collapsed,bird’s flues,H1N1,H5N1,may caused by high productivities,constructions,& peoples’ behaviours (That isn’t my business…/The world/environments won’t be affected b’cos of my “unpurposely/purposely” throw some rubbish,as long as it is not happen to me). I’m not a scientist,not even a predictor (I can’t tell U what’s happen next,but I may realize what those consequences of our “actions” affect us,although I know that foods,water,moneys & shelves is important to us for survival …!! (Do U want to be like yr children staying undergrounds in future,b’cos the land is already“death”??U won’t be able to have flora & fauna back(/reverse actions/Undos),which is wiped out with moneys…It ‘s too late…)Think about it …
Try to reconcern about our small actions,reconsider on things that U have,reused (/try to not being wastage) on it b4 U throw in into dustbin,rubbish garbages,make some separation (U may think uncomfortable in the beginning,& Okay on it later on).(What about for those finish goods products in the markets?Although we are not using them,the things is still around there...) That's why we need everyone,every kinds of field to have such minded thinking,that U can do it no matter where U are(/less production with less pollutions).While Australia gov.(based on news report) has done something & annouced to stop selling mineral waters in their country recently.Some of them,maybe affected of their actions,but afterwards they may replace it with bottles,instead of buying m.waters (We have so much of choices/alternatives for every actions that we have done).If “U” have such a reconsider,& reused’s actions,U may not need to reseperation & recycle.It has no “Magics”,just need yr “Basic” actions.
That’s all about my personal opinion.
(How much U want to pay me…??) (n_n)
C ya…
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